An Infographic on Not Quite Right Holiday Gifts: To Keep or to Return
What a holiday season it has been! We at dealnews have had lots to be thankful for this year. But there are still a few things we've got to take care of: namely, some holiday gift returns. While a lot of merchants have extended their return policies, and make it easy to return via mail or in-store, we still kind of dread going to the post office or being faced with those oh-so tempting after-Christmas sales.
The folks at Milo know a thing or two about holiday returns, and they put together an interesting infographic of the Top Returns of the holiday season. According to their research, just 16% of all gifts get returned, for which we commend your gift-giving abilities. Unwrapping that statistic, Milo has found that most consumers (27%) return clothing. But, of the $185.5 million in returns in 2009, electronics and software returns accounted for over $37 million in refunds. Why you ask? Most consumers found the product different from what they expected.
So, was Santa good to you this year? Do you plan on returning any items in-store or via mail? Let us know in the comment section below. But first, check out this infographic from Milo for other shopping stats from the last few years.
Front page photo credit: Telegraph UK
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