5 Deals You Need to Know Today: Save Up to Nearly Half Off Sony Headphones at Amazon
Sony headphones are on sale at Amazon but are bones involved? DealNews dot com investigates. Check out this offer and more in our roundup of the five best deals we found over the last 24 hours.
Top Headphones Deal
Sony Headphone Deals at Amazon
Up to 42% offA doctor recently tried to upsell me on those bone conduction headphones as being better for ear health than in-ear buds, which might be very well true but it seemed as though I was moments away from having an affiliate link tossed straight in my face, in an unsettling merging of the physical and digital realms. Thankfully he didn't do that but he did provide me with some solid ear care otherwise and even went as far as to say the bone headphones "actually sound good", presumably sensing my skepticism. Was this doctor in the pocket of Big Bone Headphones or was he being sincere? We'll never know but one thing is for sure – Sony headphones are up to 42% off at Amazon and are entirely boneless.
Top Clothing & Accessories Deal
Joe's New Balance Outlet Final Sale
Up to 70% offBase discounts of up to 70% off and extra discounts of 20% off in-cart. It's reasons like these that chants of "JOE! JOE! JOE! " are often heard ringing out from stores nationwide. Or so that might be true, if Joe's New Balance Outlet had actual outlet stores. Alas they do not and thoughts of such Joe-based chanting in this context is merely a fanciful dream. The earlier mentioned discounts are however not flights of fancy and really do exist. Now, save.
Top Garden Deal
Rubbermaid 5x2-Foot Small Vertical Storage Shed
$279This shed appears to not be constructed from rubber nor does it have any maid style qualities therefore the Rubbermaid branding may be considered highly misleading. The entirely inadvertent running theme of this roundup has been to focus on what isn't as opposed to what is and I'm not sure what that's all about. I blame the headache I have right now. Let us forcefully change gears and instead prioritize what is, namely that this shed is $279, $125 off, and the best price we've seen. Lockable doors, weather resistance, and a metal handle are other things of relevant factual existence.
Top Cell Phone Accessories Deal
Apple AirTag 4-Pack
$64It's not the first instance of heavily discounted AirTags having graced us and it hopefully won't be the last. This time, their previous best ever lowest price hasn't been bested but rather equaled and that's good enough to sound the deal klaxon once again, informing all of this momentous occasion. Given that the prior discussed headache is still lingering, the klaxon blasting out of Castle DealNews is extremely unpleasant but the surrounding lands around the castle and denizens of citizens toiling away in the name of Lord Deal must be made aware. It's only right.
Top Tools Deal
DeWalt Power Tools at Lowe's
Free battery w/ purchaseIf you read yesterday's roundup, you know what's coming. If you didn't, brace for DeWalt of life. Mark Knopfler demands recognition. You demand a free battery with a DeWalt purchase. All is well.