Permanent Discounts: Getting a Tattoo to Save Some Money

Would you get a brand's logo tattooed on your body if you could get a lifetime of free stuff or discounts? These people did, and we suspect at least some of them are regretting it.

By definition, we here at DealNews, and our intrepid deal-seeking readers, will go to great lengths to save a little scratch. But just how far? Would you climb a mountain for free shipping? Name your first-born child after your favorite retailer for a discount? As crazy as that sounds, the consumers of the following six deals did something irreversible for a deal: each requires you to get a tattoo to redeem them.

As you read over these instances of deal shoppers going to great lengths for a discount, keep in mind that you don't have to try that hard to get a great deal — our freebie hub has lots of free stuff that doesn't involve permanent bodily alteration.

Are there any brands or restaurants out there that you would get a tattoo for if they gave you a discount or free stuff? Let us know in the comments section below!

Jeff Somogyi
Contributing Writer

Jeff Somogyi is constantly trying to come up with ways to surprise and delight audiences the world over. He takes humor seriously ... too seriously. (Honestly, we've never seen him laugh ... it's kinda creepy.)
DealNews may be compensated by companies mentioned in this article. Please note that, although prices sometimes fluctuate or expire unexpectedly, all products and deals mentioned in this feature were available at the lowest total price we could find at the time of publication (unless otherwise specified).


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Greg the Gruesome
I would get an I ♥ N Y tattoo if it would get me a break on my income taxes.
dealnews-bglaser (DealNews)
@DailyDiscountDealsDish Sorry for our error, and thanks for catching it. The article has been corrected.
In regards to Casa Sanchez, the company did not suffer losses of $5.8 billion, it's calculated that if the 40 people (they have decided to only allow 10 more patrons to "apply" for the deal making it 50) that have the tattoo were to get a $8 lunch every day for 50 years that is how much they would loose, according to the link provided in your story. We read your articles and trust your word and facts so please in the future use the proper information in your story. They have not lost this money and most likely never will.
Yeah, and as soon as you'd get one of these, the place goes out of business!!